Sunday, September 27, 2009

Game Plan

My game plan to put sound and light together onto film, is to listen to the tape of just the sound a couple of times, then start to look through the images and try to visualize them both together and what the film should mean. I have started this process, it is a lot harder to do than I originally thought because I want the film to have some sort of meaning, not sure what that is yet, but as I get further into the process i will be sure to blog.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Light observation

Taking pictures outside on a non digital camera was neat. It was interesting to use the I am not sure what it is called, maybe light reader. I found it to be interesting that you match the numbers up from the device to the camera. Working with black and white film is deff something I will do again. I think the pictures have more feeling in black and white especially when you play with the light. I do have to say I like the photos that are in focus rather than just a blur, maybe when added to music this will change my mind..who knows! I look forward to working with light and black and white pictures again in the future!

Recording Sound

I learned from recording sound well first make sure that you have no breaks in your tape, and it is ready to go. Also, I found it interesting how different objects when listened to without picture sounds differently. I like how some sounds are still very distinct while others if you let your imagination run it could be anything. It is really cool how a sound can be added to other sounds to make a whole new sound. Like if you add a refrigerator door opening to a shower running it sounds like a train coming through in a rain storm.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sound Journal

Sound Journal

Hearing crickets singing, the wind is blowing slowly rough ling the pine needles on the trees. Dog barking, softly. Car being started, door shuts, window screeching, base of music can be heard softly. The base of the music is growing now, draining out the creekers. The wind slows, car getting louder, music booming. The car sound of the muffler in the distant. No more music. The crickets are back, louder now, here sound of sprinklers going off. The wind is picking up now, the pine needles are blowing; hear a thud a pine cone hitting the grass. The dog barking louder now. Spraying of sprinklers is hitting the siding of the house making a light bang, hear bang, bang, splash. The dog is still barking drowning out the sound of the crickets. Hear a lady yelling at her husband, her voice getting louder by the second, not loud enough to silence the dog, can still hear the sprinklers against the house.

Hear violins playing in the distance. Kids are laughing. The swing set creaks, and cracks in a slow continuous motion. The pong of the tennis ball can be heard softly in the distance. Kids yelling, one crying, he might of fell but couldn’t hear that. I hear a mother’s soft voice comforting the child. A hushing of the kids laughing, violins are off in a distance; I hear many different small thuds as chairs move when people stand up from them. The pong of the tennis ball is back, a child is no longer crying. The music has stopped. I hear a mans voice beginning a speech, the thuds are back almost at the same time, people must have sat back down. The creak is back a slow continuous motion; I hear a dads voice and a child laughing. A mower is in the distance, a tennis ball bouncing, a child laughing, and violin back playing.

Splish splash splish sphlish a child laughing loudly a woman’s voice singing in the background. Thump thump splash splash crackle creek of door opening, a kids voice yelling cannon ball a huge splash, rippling of waves, water hitting concrete. A woman’s voice singing a little louder, a child laughing, another child yelling Marco, silence from voices, wind gusts, a huge thud, a crackle, a pop, a splash, a mans voice yelling time to get out I saw lightening, splash, splash, thud, splash, cracke, thud, a big boom, a creak of a metal door, door creaks, bang shut, a child crying, wind blowing, a dog barking, a woman’s voice singing. A thud, paper blowing scraping amongst the pavement, creak of door, baby crying, a kid yelling, the woman’s voice is gone. Another thud, splash, a man yelling get out of pool, stupid, boy sighing, a thud, splash, splash, creak, thud, bang.